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What is the difference between civil and criminal fraud?

While the laws surrounding fraud are complex, most people understand that anyone found to be guilty of the offence could face a range of serious penalties. However, what many people do not realise is that fraud can be pursued as either a civil or criminal...

Can You Appeal a Revoked Driving Licence?

Being able to drive can be a fundamental requirement for many of us and if a driving licence is revoked it can cause extreme difficulties with day-to-day life. If you have had your driving license revoked and you believe that this was done wrongfully, you...

Appealing the Revocation of Driving Licences

The Driving and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) have the authority to revoke your driving licence if you no longer meet their licensing criteria. This can prove incredibly disruptive, particularly where you rely on your licence for work, or to support your...

What is Conspiracy to Supply?

Conspiracy to supply is a serious drugs offence. As such, it also carries a potentially significant penalty, which can vary depending on the circumstances of the case. Here, we discuss what conspiracy to supply is, what the sentencing guidelines for...

What to Do If Your Business Is Accused of Bounce Back Loan Fraud

On 4 May 2020, the Bounce Back Loan scheme (BBLS) was launched. The purpose of this loan was to reduce the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on businesses by offering them up to £50,000 or 25% of their annual turnover. By doing so, the government...

Employee Fraud Rises During the Pandemic

KPMG’s latest UK Fraud Barometer found employee fraud rose considerably from 2020 to 2021, due in part to the COVID-19 pandemic. 2020 saw a total of 44 acts of fraud committed by employees, but in 2021 there was an increase of 22, with a total of 66...

Covid-19 health and safety prosecutions - understanding the risks

Businesses have a legal responsibility to keep their employees and any non-employees they interact with safe under the terms of the Health & Safety at Work etc. Act 1974. This includes in relation to COVID-19, and businesses can be prosecuted for failure...

What is Conspiracy to Defraud?

Conspiracy to defraud is a serious offence which carries a potentially significant penalty if you are found guilty. Here, we discuss exactly what conspiracy to defraud is, what penalties you could face if you are found guilty and what may happen if you are...

Possession of Laughing Gas Could Become a Criminal Offence

UK Home Secretary Priti Patel has promised to take “tough action” on those who use the popular party drug nitrous oxide otherwise known as laughing gas recreationally, including looking at making possession of nitrous oxide a criminal offence. ...

Significant rise in community resolution orders during the pandemic - what does this mean for offenders?

Community resolution orders (CROs) have been hitting the headlines recently due to their increased use during the pandemic. While some have criticised them as too mild to be used for more serious offences, for those facing a criminal charge, they can offer...
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